Byron Williams
Executive Skills Coach and Neurofeedback Technician
A little bit about me
I have a Bachelor’s of Music from the University of Houston and have worked as a worship director and fine arts educator, coach, and director for the past 20 years. I have come to believe that we are each born with a unique design and are all driven by something – whether an internal voice or extrinsic reward. I’m motivated to help people gain self-awareness, understand their potential, and start the process of working toward their dreams. It is my life’s goal to be a light to those who need the courage the take their next step, and I actively seek conversations that point to the value and drive of the human spirit.
I have two incredible girls and a wonderful spouse. We love camping, grand vistas, hiking, music, sports, and cooking together. We have a rascal-of-a-husky and spend our free time vacuuming, grooming, and playing with him in the yard. I’m usually reading a fiction novel, or series, and especially appreciate when the story is captured well in cinema.
Why Executive Skills Coaching?
We all struggle to stay focused on what’s most important through life’s constant pressure to be perfect at everything. There’s an ever-increasing list of to-do’s, scheduling challenges, and more emails than anyone has time to read. Executive skills helped me re-center around my prime motivations and manage the many roles I have as father, husband, employee, and volunteer. I am grateful for the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life, and I’m excited to bring that capability to others.
Over the course of time, research has proven that coaching of this kind achieves significant success in reaching desired goals. Results, however, are largely determined by the efforts you invest. Coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve different areas of your life, including work, finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. The focus is the development and implementation of strategies to reach client-identified goals of enhanced performance and personal satisfaction.
Executive Functioning services are not considered psychotherapy or psychological services.
Why Neurofeedback?
I was attracted to the field of Neurofeedback for its history of research and wide application for improving mental capability and restoring brain functionality. In my own training, Neurofeedback has provided the pathway to achieve greater poise in meetings, focus on my work, better sleep, and more capacity and confidence in the office.